Update: fixed image cropping bug on the product page

by David Colquhoun on February 08, 2012, News RSS Feed

Just updated the theme with a small fix to the product page.  If you had the magnify widget set to fitted inner cropping,  only the first image that loads would be fitted inner.   Clicking on the thumbnails would show you a fitted outer image. 

If you want to fix just this bug, and not update the whole theme...

in the Shopify admin,  Themes > Template Editor ...
click on "product.liquid" in the left side menu,
then scroll down to around line 75,
and find the line that looks like this:
    sFittedStyle:'{{ zoomy_fitted_style }}' // outer or inner
and change it to be:
    sFittedStyle:'{{ settings.zoomy_fitted_style }}' // outer or inner
